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Services Tenerife South

Services Tenerife North

Looking for a builder?  A place to eat?  Need a car or a mechanic?  A cake for that special occasion?  Look no further.

This site is committed to free advertising for English-speaking small businesses or sole traders in Tenerife. Our aim is to keep it small and restrict it to people known personally to us or recommended by others. Larger companies in Tenerife are well known as most can pay for advertising and whilst doing an excellent job, not everyone can pay their rates.

Tenerife’s local builders, for example,  can charge considerably less but often speak little or no English – not very practical if you don’t speak Spanish well.  We can help with that too.  See translators here.

Business Owners

The site will be shared on Facebook, for example, as people promote their own services.  In doing so, they are in effect promoting yours also.