Tenerife Support and Social Groups
Useful Facebook Groups
- Cats Welfare Tenerife
- Eden Equine Horse Rescue
- K9 Animal Shelter Tenerife
- KittyCatz Tenerife
- Live PAWS Rescued Animals
- Tenerife Horse Rescue
The website is available to all, totally free. We have a responsible adverting policy in our Facebook Group.
- Not getting enough business?
- Thinking of paying for Social Media Marketing?
- Time to get a Website?
- Posting your ad all over Facebook and getting nowhere?
- Thinking of Buying a Group to advertise on?
How people find you is not just about putting your pictures all over Facebook.
Sure you want to get your name known but it needs to advertised in different ways in on topic places or in response to on topic enquiries.
And paying for a website won’t help much much unless you have a budget for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well.
Search Engines, and yes that includes Facebook, are all about remembering where you posted, who links to you or likes you, what keywords you AND THEY use. 5 well placed posts can do a lot more than the same one posted in 100 places, mostly not on topic and without keywords to support.
Buying a existing group has limited value and if you slap your ad on the cover, the group will slowly die as it no longer seems to be a community group.
A google search is always going to put the biggies in top spot, after paid/sponsored stuff, but your aim is to get as close to the top as you can for your keywords, NOT your trade name. If people already know that they will easily find you – it’s the traffic where they don’t know you that you are after.
Example: Islands Aesthetics
Keywords: Beauty, Hair, Nails, Massage etc.
Keywords are what you should be focusing on in your adverts so when someone searches for ‘Tenerife Nail Salon’ you are ranking higher in Google, Facebook and other search engines.
When you DO rank well, remember it’s because of the RECENT links, likes etc, that got you there!
It’s a complicated subject but why not join our group and let us do some of the work for you for free.