Electricians in Tenerife


Listed under Electricians in Tenerife

Air Conditioning TenerifeAir Conditioning Tenerife

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Service – Sale of Air Conditioners – Split Type Systems – New Installations – Replacements – Offers Available. Costa Silencio covering South Tenerife

9 Plus Instalaciones9 Plus Instalaciones

Details & contact for 9 Plus Instalaciones in South Tenerife. Find all your local electrical requirments in South Tenerife. Searching for “Electrician”?, info here on Tenerife Pages.

MGI Electrical Services TenerifeMGI Electrical Services Tenerife

All types of Electrical Work carried out from domestic, commercial & industrial. Boletin Certificates, Intruder Alarms, Electrical Water Heaters Supplied & Installed. Contact Martin for a no obligation quote.

Appliance Consultancy Engineering TenerifeAppliance Consultancy Engineering Tenerife

Repairs and installations to all domestic appliances, fridges, cookers, ovens, dishwashers, tumble dryers. Same or next day service. All repairs guaranteed. Fixed labour/ call out charges. Manufacturer trained with 35 ...


Recommendations for qualified English Speaking Electricians in South Tenerife, capable of full rewires with Bolletins.

For small jobs needing a quick response, please contact us and we will put you in touch with handymen that can assist.


Tenerife Electricians

For larger or more complex jobs we can personally recommend Mark Fradley.  With an excellent reputation, and one of the most respected Tenerife electricians, Mark is available 7 days a week for emergency call-outs, quotations and any enquiries.

24 hr Helpline 677 226 689.  He has the experience and comprehensive knowledge to design all types and sizes of electrical installations to suit the client’s needs, fully complying with the Spanish wiring & installation regulations.

More Qualified and Legal Tenerife Electricians
