Private group: 4.8K members
Auction site where private individuals sell their unwanted goods.
Reminder of the Rules. ❤️
🔴 No anonymous participants will be accepted
🔴 Please give full Description with Photos
🔴 Please state Minimum Bid amount or No Reserve for your items.
This helps buyers and sellers have an equal standing relationship.
🔴 Please give Location for Pick Up
🔴 Please state end of sale time & date if possible as this gives buyers more time to post a higher bid.
🔴 Please delete your item once sold or you withdraw the sale as it didn’t reach your reserve.
🔴 Anyone not collecting their items without a genuine justification will be suspended or permanently removed.
🔴 Fake bidders will be permanently removed.
All members of this group are required to abide by the rules. Anyone found in violation will be blocked immediately.
Please report ANY problems to admin Thank you, Jan Webb-Pullen
- Location: South Tenerife
- Find South Tenerife Auction Site on Facebook