Community Insurance Tenerife

Chris Ross – Community Insurance – Highly Recommended

Do I need a private home in­sur­ance policy if I have Com­munity In­sur­ance?

Yes, they are com­pletely un­re­lated. One will provide cover for your home and con­tents and the other provides cov­ers for your com­munity/com­munal areas. 

Advantages of Community Insurance

– Cover the risks that jeopardize the habitability and comfort which all communities must provide to their owners and families.
– Flexibility to adapt to each community´s needs.
– Possibility of insuring community furniture.

Plus all these benefits
– Legal protection/claims for damages.
– The option to lower the premium with excess.
– Automatic adjustment of insured sums and premiums.
– Coverage of the proportional amount of property co-owned with another community